- Tool Palettes and Object Snaps http://bit.ly/LOn1M5
- Slow startup in AutoCAD/LT with the Ribbon? RIBBONBGLOAD command controls whether the Ribbon tabs are loaded into memory at start-up.
- DWG file redrawing and regenerating extremely slowly? Set VIEWRES command to use 200 to 500 (per drawing variable).
- LT2012: VIEWGO command restores a named view defined in VIEW command http://dld.bz/as8BF
- LTisACAD Blog: AutoCAD/LT and Touchscreens http://dlvr.it/1lPPFb
- UOSNAP command determines whether object snapping is active for geometry in attached DWF, DWFx, PDF, and DGN underlays http://dld.bz/as8B5
- UNDOMARKS command stores the number of marks placed in the UNDO control stream by the Mark option http://dld.bz/as8B4
- LT2012: UPLOADFILES uploads selected files to AutoCAD WS http://dld.bz/as8Bt
- Install the AutoCAD LT Offline Help to your computer or to a local network location http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/i …
- LT2012: UPLOAD command uploads the current drawing to AutoCAD WS and controls whether to automatically upload changes http://dld.bz/as8Bh
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