Wednesday, August 1, 2012

LT2013 New Commands and Variables

Below is a list of  New Commands and System Variables Reference found in LT2013:
  • ARRAYCLASSIC: Displays the legacy Array dialog box.
  • ARRAYASSOCIATIVITY: Sets the default behavior of new arrays to be associative or non-associative.
  • CACHEMAXFILES: Sets the maximum number of graphics cache files saved in the local configured temporary folder for the product. 
  • PLINEREVERSEWIDTHS  Controls the appearance of a polyline when it is reversed.
  • POINTCLOUDBOUNDARY  Turns the display of a point cloud bounding box on and off.
  • POINTCLOUDCLIPFRAME  Controls whether a point cloud clipping boundary is visible on the screen and when printed. 
  • SELECTIONPREVIEWLIMIT  Limits the number of objects that can display preview highlighting during a window or crossing selection. 
  • THUMBSAVE  Controls whether BMP preview images are saved with the drawing. 
  • WIPEOUTFRAME  Controls the display of frames for wipeout objects.
Plus a host of commands and variables to support the new Autodesk Cloud:
  • ONLINECOLNOW: Starts an online session with AutoCAD WS, in which people that you invite can simultaneously view and edit your current drawing,
  • ONLINEDOCS: Opens your Autodesk 360 documents list and folders in a browser.
  • ONLINEOPTIONS: Opens the Online tab of the Options dialog box.
  • ONLINESHARE: Designates who can access the current document from your Autodesk 360.
  • ONLINESYNC: Starts or stops syncing your custom settings with your Autodesk 360 account.
  • ONLINESYNCSETTINGS: Displays the Choose Which Settings Are Synced dialog box where you can specify selected settings to be synced.
  • ONLINETOMOBILE: Sends a notification to your mobile devices, enabling you to find and open the current drawing on your mobile devices quickly. 
  • ONLINEDOCMODE  Indicates whether a copy of a new drawing is saved automatically to your Autodesk 360 account.
  • ONLINEDOCUMENTS  Stores whether you can open and save drawing files directly to your Autodesk 360 account.
  • ONLINESYNCTIME  Controls the time interval for synchronizing current customization settings with a local cache, which then stored in your Autodesk 360 account. 
