- Lynn Allen Updated my blog on kicking up the IQ of your ?#AutoCAD? Dimensions http://lynn.blogs.com Don't end up with Dimension Envy!
- R.K. McSwain "@" is useful here on Twitter, but it's also useful in ?#AutoCAD?. Use "@" when prompted for a point to specify the LAST point.
- Jeff Bartels AutoCAD Tip: The center object snap can be used to find the "center" of a referenced image.
- Jeff Bartels AutoCAD Tip: RT-Click a referenced DWG in the XREF Mgr. & use "Path" option to change path type.
- Vladimir Michl New CAD tip: How to create a custom color book (ACB palette) in AutoCAD? http://bit.ly/Lhv581
- Vladimir Michl New CAD tip: Text formatting codes in MText objects. http://bit.ly/Ma4nR3
- Good LT tip “@VMichl: New CAD tip: Setting scale for documentation views in AutoCAD. http://bit.ly/KsaWNp ”
- Lynn_Allen: Move along open ?#AutoCAD? drawings at lightning speed! http://bit.ly/K9Tb6w (my latest @Cadalyst_Mag video)
- bcbenton Autodesk Updates the Update ReadMe http://ow.ly/1jZdj1
- bcbenton: AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012 Service Pack 2 Released: If you are running AutoCAD 2012 or… http://goo.gl/fb/ABzlP
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