The following commands have been updated in LT2014 as follow:
- ARC: Adds the ability to create arcs in a clockwise direction by holding down the Ctrl key as you drag.
- CHAMFER: Now chamfers the first and last segments of an open polyline to create a closed object.
- CONVERTPSTYLES: Now retains spaces in the names of converted plot styles.
- DIMBASELINE: By default, the baseline dimension now inherits the style of the dimension that is being continued. This setting is affected by DIMCONTINUEMODE.
- DIMCONTINUE: By default, the continued dimension now inherits the style of the dimension that is being continued. This setting is affected by DIMCONTINUEMODE.
- EXTERNALREFERENCES: Adds the ability to convert xrefs between overlays and attachments. Also adds the ability to change a path to be absolute.
- FILLET: Now fillets the first and last segments of an open polyline to create a closed object.
- HATCH: Adds Undo to command prompts.
- LAYER: Now uses natural language sorting for the layer list, so that numerals are sorted in order of their values. Also adds the ability to merge selected layers by using the shortcut menu in the Layer Manager
- MTEXT: Annotation scale in the Select Annotation Scale dialog box is set only with a drop-down list (no direct entry).
- NEWSHEETSET: The Creation Date (CreateDate) field in a new sheet now reflects the drawing creation date, not the template creation date.
- PROPERTIES: Xref-dependent linetypes are no longer displayed in the Preferences window.
- TEXT: Adds Left to the Justification prompt options. Retains the last used justification during the session.
- -XREF: Adds Pathtype prompt.
Updated system variables in LT2014:
- ATTDIA: Default value changed from 0 (off) to 1 (on).
- LATITUDE: Now linked to the Latitude setting in the Geographic Location dialog box.
- LONGITUDE: Now linked to the Latitude setting in the Geographic Location dialog box.
- NORTHDIRECTION, which pecifies the angle between the Y axis of WCS and the grid north is now also available in AutoCAD LT.
- ONLINESYNCTIME: Default value changed from 5 to 300 minutes.
- SNAPGRIDLEGACY, which controls whether the cursor snaps to the snap grid only when an operation is in progress, is now also available in AutoCAD LT.