Below is a list of new Commands that have been added to LT2014:
- DESIGNFEEDCLOSE: Closes the Design Feed palette.
- DESIGNFEEDOPEN: Opens the Design Feed palette.
- FILETAB: Displays the File tabs at the top of the drawing area.
- FILETABCLOSE: Hides the File tabs at the top of the drawing area.
- GEOLOCATEME: Displays or hides an indicator that shows your current position.
- GEOMAP: Displays a map from an online maps service, in the current viewport.
- GEOMARKLATLONG: Places a position marker at a location defined by a latitude and longitude.
- GEOMARKME: Places a position marker in model space at the spot corresponding to your current position.
- GEOMARKPOINT: Places a position marker at a specified point in model space.
- GEOMARKPOSITION: Places a position marker at a location you specify.
- GEOREMOVE: Removes all geographic location information from the drawing file.
- GEOREORIENTMARKER: Modifies the orientation and position of the geographic marker without changing its latitude and longitude properties.
- INSERTSEARCHOPTIONS: Controls settings for working with AutoComplete and AutoCorrect suggestions on the command line.
- ONLINEOPENFOLDER: Opens your local Autodesk 360 folder in Windows Explorer.
New system variables added to LT2014:
- CGEOCS: Stores the name of the GIS coordinate system assigned to the drawing file.
- CLAYOUT: Sets the current layout.
- DESIGNFEEDSTATE: Indicates whether the Design Feed palette is open or closed.
- DIMCONTINUEMODE: Determines whether the style of a continued dimension is based on the dimension that is being continued or on the current dimension style.
- FILETABPREVIEW: Controls the type of preview, list view or thumbnail view, when you hover over a file tab.
- FILETABSTATE: Indicates the display status of the file tabs at the top of the drawing area.
- FILETABTHUMBHOVER: Specifies whether the corresponding model or layout loads in the drawing window when you hover over a file tab thumbnail.
- GEOMARKPOSITIONSIZE: Specifies the scale factor to use for point objects and multiline text objects when creating position markers.
- HPPICKMODE: Sets whether the default method for identifying what to hatch is to select a point or to select an object.
- INPUTSEARCHDELAY: Sets the number of milliseconds to delay before the command line suggestion list is displayed.
- TOUCHMODE: For those using a touch-enabled screen or interface, controls the display of the Touch panel on the ribbon.
- TEXTJUSTIFY: Displays the default justification used by the TEXT command to create single-line text.