Sunday, June 24, 2012

Twitter Posts Revisted

Below is a summary of topics we covered recently on Twitter. Click on the links at the end of each topic and explore the command or feature in more detail in AutoCAD/LT's HELP.
  • User's Guide: Controlling how objects mirror
  • MIRRHATCH controls how MIRROR reflects hatch patterns. MIRRTEXT controls how MIRROR reflects text.
  • MENUBAR command controls the display of the menu bar. Yes, you can have a pulldown menu with the RIBBON.
  • MBUTTONPAN command controls the behavior of the third button or wheel on the pointing device
  • MSPACE in a layout, switches from paper space to model space in a layout viewport
  • User's Guide: How to Correct Mistakes
  • LT tip: to add XREFs quickly to many files, attach them in one DWG file then use COPYCLIP/PASTEORIG to add them as XREFs in all other files.
  • MREDO command reverses the effects of several previous UNDO or U commands
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