Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tweets this week: Tips and Books

Below is a summary of topics we covered this week on Twitter. This week we cover books, publications, and of course, user tips:

  • LT2012 tip: you can now BIND a DGN file.
  • Selecting an Annotative Object shows the other scales/ghosts? set the system variable SELECTIONANNODISPLAY to 0 to hide the other scales.
  • In a DWG file and suspect a problem? run AUDIT command (answer Yes to question), then use PURGE command to remove unused items, and SAVE.
  • LTisACAD Blog: Draw 2D Isometric Views
  • AutoCADLT: AutoCAD 2012 books out now
  • Having trouble in a file? Fix it: Start LT, then start RECOVER command and open your file. Use RECOVERALL command if it contains Xrefs.
  • Lynn_Allen: Check out Jeanne Aarhus video on the @ACADExchange as she talks about using PDF Overlays as reference files
  • Have many Toolbars from an older LT version? Start CUI command, right-click over a Toolbar and turn it into a Panel, place on a Ribbon Tab.

We post daily on the topic of AutoCAD/LT and features/abilities of interest to users:
you can find us at  Get Twitter updates via Text Message (SMS) by texting FOLLOW LTISACAD to 40404 in the United States. To stop SMS updates, simply text UNFOLLOW LTISACAD to the same number.

Catch a listing of all our twitter postings HERE:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Draw 2D Isometric Views

AutoCAD/LT allows you to simulate a 3D object from a particular viewpoint by aligning along three major axes by setting the Isometric Snap/Grid; however, although the isometric drawing appears to be 3D, it is actually a 2D representation. You cannot expect to extract 3D distances and areas, display objects from different viewpoints, or remove hidden lines automatically with this method of drafting.

When you create an Isometric drawing you are basically drawing "vertical" lines at 90 degrees with "horizontal" lines drawn at either 30 degrees or 150 degrees to give the impression of depth to the drawing. You start by setting the Isometric Grid and Snap using either of these methods:
  • The command SNAP, then selecting STYLE and assigning the style to ISOMETRIC.
  • DSETTINGS command's Snap and Grid tab (the Drafting Settings dialog box can also be accessed when you right-click on any status bar icon and choose "Settings"), under Snap Type, select Isometric Snap, and close the dialog:

Your Cursor will change shape: one axes remains vertical, the other aligns with one of the angles for  horizontal lines. The initial cursor mode is Isoplane Left: lined up with the left side of your isometric drawing. To switch to one of the two other isoplanes (Right or Top), you can use the F5 keyboard key or by typing CTRL+E to toggle between all three planes, or by typing ISOPLANE and picking Left, Right or Top. To draw circles with these settings, start ELLIPSE command and select the ISOCIRCLE option (need arc? Trim the Isocircles).

Creating Isometric Text and Dimensions are not so straight forward. First the Text, you must create two new text STYLES, the first with an Oblique Angle of 30 deg, and the other set to -30 (that's a minus-30 degrees). You would use each text style based on the location in relationship to your Isometric drawing, and alter the rotation angle of Text to suit:

Dimensions are the same: create two DIMSTYLES, one for each of the two text styles created above, and use DIMALIGNED command when drawing dimensions. You also must use DIMEDIT command's OBLIQUE option to assign a matching Obliquing Angle (30deg or -30 deg). You can do it all with one DIMSTYLE, but some users prefer the visual control of two, see example HERE.
If your dimension styles use arrows, you may need to also fix their appearance: explore this tip HERE.
While it takes many steps to create and set up the file to start drawing, consider taking the time to add these in Template file and reuse as often as needed. Give the two text styles and the two dimstyles unique but matching names to reduce the confusion of selection.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Tweets this week: worthy retweets

Below is a summary of topics we covered this week on Twitter. This week we cover tips and shred content from other postings on Twitter:
  • "How To Use Twitter Hashtags in Tweets Without Looking Like An #Idiot"
  • RETWEET JeffBartels: AutoCAD Tip: CUIX files can also be loaded by dragging from Windows Explorer into AutoCAD.
  • Freehand draw in LT2011-12 with SKETCH command: the drawn elements can be LINES, PLINES or SPLINES. Pick your choice with SKPOLY variable.
  • RETWEET: Best to remember “@bcbenton: AutoCAD tip: in order for objects to print, thier layer must be on, thawed & set to print”
  • RETWEET AutoCADLT: Multiple Plotter Support File Paths
  • Do you use SELECTSIMILAR in LT2011-2012? explore SELECTSIMILARMODE variable to control the matching properties used by it.
  • Count objects/blocks in LT: Select one, right-click and pick SELECTSIMILAR. Then use SELECT command and LT will return the total number.
  • AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012: No Experience Required:Amazon Books: 
  • Are you familiar with Object Snap Tracking? Explore this useful topic here: 
  • LT2011+: Quickly create a string of dimensions for selected objects: QDIM command, select objects, click to place the dimensions.
  • Do you PUBLISH sets of prints in LT often? Use +PUBLISH command (note the + in the name) to open previously saved DSD sheet set to publish.
We post daily on the topic of AutoCAD/LT and features/abilities of interest to users:
you can find us at Get Twitter updates via Text Message (SMS) by texting FOLLOW LTISACAD to 40404 in the United States. To stop SMS updates, simply text UNFOLLOW LTISACAD to the same number.
Catch a listing of all our twitter postings HERE: 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tweets this week: pop-ups and more

Below is a summary of topics we covered this week on Twitter. This week we cover customizing access to command pop-ups:
  • Open the UCS manager command in the tab you want: use +UCSMAN (note the + in the name) then the tab number, 0 thru 2
  • VPORTS command allows you to quickly create multiple predefined viewports in model space OR paper space. Customize? explore -VPORTS command.
  • Customize AutoCAD/LT: Always open options command in the tab you want. Use +OPTIONS (note the + in the name) then the tab number, 0 thru 7
  • Watch the Recording “@autocad: Get your AutoCAD LT questions and bring them to Facecast, Wed. July 13 at 10 a.m. Pacific Time
  • LTisACAD Blog: Did you know...?
  • EXPORTLAYOUT command creates a new DWG modelspace file from your current paperspace layout:
  • Customize? +SAVEAS command (note the + in the name) lets you specify the file format; the OTHER option lets you specify the version number.
We post daily on the topic of AutoCAD/LT and features/abilities of interest to users: you can find us at Get Twitter updates via Text Message (SMS) by texting FOLLOW LTISACAD to 40404 in the United States. To stop SMS updates, simply text UNFOLLOW LTISACAD to the same number.

Catch a listing of all our twitter postings HERE:



Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Did you know...?

  • DIMANGULAR command can create angular dimensions larger than 180 degrees by manually selecting the Specify Vertex sub-option (select the intersection, then opposite ends of each of the two angle-lines).
  • ALIGN command: Move, Rotate, and Scale Your Object at once, instead of using move, rotate, and scale separately.
  • FILLET and CHAMFER commands can be used to join Plines and Lines (and other Plines) together into a single Pline.
  • LAYMRG command can also be used to delete Layers without losing any content: Merge with Layer 0 when prompted.
  • HYPERLINK command provides a simple and powerful way to quickly associate a variety of documents (such as other drawings, bills of materials, project schedules, a saved-view in the file or another file, access an external file, create an Email message, start a new drawing and more) with a drawing. It can also be used to only add pop-up information to an object without a 'link'.
  • Yes, you can access the Ribbon through keyboard shortcuts too: explore HERE.
  • More Selection options: QSELECT command Creates a selection set based on filtering criteria.  FILTER command Creates a list of requirements that an object must meet to be included in a selection set. SELECTSIMILAR command Adds similar objects to the selection set based on selected objects.
  • Two ways to convert splines to polylines:
    - Run the WMFOUT command, enter a filename, then select the splines. Now erase the spline, and then run the WMFIN command. Use the upper left corner of the viewport as the insertion point, and then scale it 2X. The resulting entity is a POLYLINE.
    - If you save a drawing as R12 DXF format, all splines will be converted to POLYLINE entities.
  • TRIM command can be used on more than just Lines and Plines: trim around text objects, trim hatches back to a cutting plane, trim between Hatch-lines, trim an associative Dimension, and trim using a block's entities as cutting planes without exploding the block.
  • Match Properties options:
    MATCHPROP command Applies the properties of a selected object to other objects (using MATCHPROP on viewports transfers their visiblity, on/off, locking, and scale). Control what gets matched by using the Settings option for the command.
    LAYMCH command Changes the layer of a selected object to match the destination layer.
  • OSOPTIONS command controls whether Osnaps ignore or snap to Hatches.
  • PROPERTIES and QUICKPROPERTIES commands can be used to Filter selections into object types.
  • Create a Drawing with X,Y Coordinates from Microsoft Excel: tip HERE.
  • DIMROTATED command Creates a rotated linear dimension: when you need your dimension string to be at a fixed angle instead of the limitation of DIMALIGNED command.
  • ADCENTER command can be used to copy the following between drawing files (or from your template files): Dimension Styles, Layers, Layouts, Linetypes, Multi-Leader Styles, Table Styles and Text Styles.
  • Do you have a folder full of blocks, and want them in a Tool Palette? Use ADCENTER command, browse to that folder, right-click and select CREAT TOOL PALETTE.
  • Need a list of ALL the AutoCAD variables? Just type SETVAR [enter] then type ? [enter]. Enter once again to see the whole list.
  • Transparent commands enable you to make changes or get information without exiting the current command. These are: ABOUT, ADCENTER, ADCLOSE, APERTURE, ATTDISP, BASE, CAL, COLOR, DIMSTYLE, DIST, DRAGMODE, ELEV, FILL, FILTER, GRAPHSCR, GRID, HELP, ID, LAYER, LIMITS, LINETYPE, LWEIGHT, MATCHPROP, OBJECTSCALE, OSNAP, PAN, QTEXT, REDRAW, REDRAWALL, SCALELISTEDIT, SCRIPT, SETVAR, SNAP, SPELL, STYLE, UNITS, and ZOOM. Just add an ' in front of the name if you type it, or click on the appropriate menu or Ribbon icon.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Tweets this week: Export, Suggest, and Hide

Below is a summary of topics we covered this week on Twitter. This week we cover Export options in LT, Helping Autodesk expand LT's abilities, and a free DWG viewer for iPhone/iPod:
  • Up & Ready Installation and Startup Help from Autodesk (free for new purchased installation):
  • ReTweet AutoCAD Our next Facecast will be hosted by @Autodesk 's @katemorrical on July 13. Bring your questions about AutoCAD LT to
  • EXPORT to more than just PDF with AutoCAD/LT:
  • ReTweet AutoCAD-WS Want to know the best way to upload your files to #AutoCADWS? -
  • TurboViewer App: 2D and 3D DWG (Autodesk AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT) and DXF viewing is available 4 free 4 iPhone-iPad:
  • Did you Hide Objects from our last tweet and need them back? use "End object isolation" from the "Isolate" section in the right-click menu.
  • Other objects in the way? Choose "Isolate Objects" or "Hide Objects" from the "Isolate" section from the right-click menu to help.
  • LTisACAD Blog: Do you need to send DWG files?
  • Are the different annotative scales of your objects in different locations in your file? Need them back to one location? ANNORESET command.
  • The AUGI wish list forum is the "Traditional" place to submit your ideas and vote on them:
  • Suggestions so far for improving AutoCAD/LT: Add yours and be heard by Autodesk.
  • Got Ideas for improving AutoCAD/LT? Submit and vote for ideas to improve your experience: (does not work with IE9?)
We post daily on the topic of AutoCAD/LT and features/abilities of interest to users: you can find us at Get Twitter updates via Text Message (SMS) by texting FOLLOW LTISACAD to 40404 in the United States. To stop SMS updates, simply text UNFOLLOW LTISACAD to the same number.

Catch a listing of all our twitter postings HERE:


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Do you need to send DWG files?

In a recent Blog Post HERE, we offered tips and methods of sharing DWG files with others: clients, customers, vendors and contractors among others. But is sending a DWG file necessary?  AutoCAD/LT offeres many commands that create other formats from DWG files (see Export Options), and many recipients may prefer these over a DWG file.

The most common file exchange format in the world is PDF: it's universal, everyone has a free reader installed, and it's easy to view and print. If that's all the functionality your recipient needs, it's the perfect format for them. And you can create the PDF file by using the commands PLOT, PUBLISH, EXPORT or EXPORTPDF from inside AutoCAD/LT.
What if your recipient needs to markup your PDF or add comments? Most PCs are not equipped with such apps, and while a few free PDF Tools exist, they are very basic and do not have many features.

Created by Autodesk, another exchange format has existed for a while and gaining in popularity: DWF (and the Vista/Windows7 friendly DWFx). With the free Autodesk Design Review software, your recipient can not only view your files, but they can add comments, measure distances, and draw over your DWF file to communicate their changes. They can send the file back to you, you can the reference the file and the makups in AutoCAD/LT and edit your file accordingly. If they don't need markup, send DWFx files instead and any Windows Vista or Windows 7 user can view your file with no additional software to install.
Not sure what Windows version they have? All the recipient needs is an internet connection and a link to the Autodesk FREEWHEEL website to open, view and print any DWF file you send.
Or you can upgrade, for free, to the newly announced PROJECT QUICKSHARE: it ts the power in your hands to quickly share design files from anywhere at any time for free. Explore DWF files in real-time using a highly interactive online viewer: View 2D and 3D Design Files Online - Navigate multi-sheet documents, examine properties, hide layers, or review Mark-Up.

What if you need to maintain control of the markups and who accesses the files? And a history of the various comments made by others? AutoCADWS, and internet online secure viewing and reviewing from Autodesk is one solution that works. Pick up a free account HERE, start upload your files from inside AutoCAD/LT 2012 (if you are in a lower AutoCAD version you can do the same from any web browser), invite your clients/consultants, collaborate and markup live and together on the file(s), and save them in the DWG files for access back in AutoCAD/LT. The best thing about AutoCADWS is you  and your recipients do not need to be Windows users: any OS with Web Access, even a smart Phone with the free AutoCAD WS app for iPad, iPhone or Droid phone/Tablet. Explore more desktop customizations HERE.

Sharing files is easier than ever: communicate with your recipient and ask what they prefer to receive and accommodate them the best you can with these free tools. ◦

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Tweets this week: Trial, macro tip, and links

Below is a summary of topics we covered this week on Twitter. This week we cover Object Properties controls, new commands tips and customization help. We post daily on the topic of AutoCAD/LT and features/abilities of interest to users: you can find us at Get Twitter updates via Text Message (SMS) by texting FOLLOW LTISACAD to 40404 in the United States. To stop SMS updates, simply text UNFOLLOW LTISACAD to the same number.

Catch a listing of all our twitter postings HERE:
