We have hyperlinked each command for you to explore each in more depth in HELP in AutoCAD.
- ATTACH: Inserts an external reference, image, or underlay (DWF, DWFx, PDF, or DGN files) in the current drawing.
- DGNATTACH command: Insert a DGN file as an underlay into the current drawing.
- DWFATTACH command: Insert a DWF or DWFx file as an underlay into the current drawing.
- IMAGEATTACH command: Inserts a reference to a RASTER image file like JPG, PNG, BMP and more.
- PDFATTACH command: Insert a PDF file as an underlay into the current drawing.
- XATTACH command: Inserts DWG files as an external reference (xref).
- DGNLAYERS command: Controls the display of layers in a DGN underlay.
- DWFLAYERS command: Controls the display of layers in a DWF or DWFx underlay.
- PDFLAYERS command: Controls the display of layers in a PDF underlay.
- ULAYERS command: Controls the display of layers in a DWF, DWFx, PDF, or DGN underlay.
- CLIP command: Crops a selected external reference, image, viewport, or underlay (DWF, DWFx, PDF, or DGN) to a specified boundary.
- DGNCLIP command: Crops the display of a selected DGN underlay to a specified boundary.
- DWFCLIP command: Crops the display of a selected DWF or DWFx underlay to a specified boundary.
- PDFCLIP command: Crops the display of a selected PDF underlay to a specified boundary.
- DGNMAPPING command: Allows users to create and edit user-defined DGN mapping setups.
- DGNOSNAP variable: Determines whether object snapping is active for geometry in DGN underlays that are attached to the drawing.
- DWFOSNAP variable: Determines whether object snapping is active for geometry in DWF or DWFx underlays that are attached to the drawing.
- PDFOSNAP variable: Determines whether object snapping is active for geometry in PDF underlays that are attached to the drawing.
- UOSNAP variable: Determines whether object snapping is active for geometry in DWF, DWFx, PDF, and DGN underlays that are attached to the drawing.
- ADJUST command: Adjusts the fade, contrast and monochrome settings of the selected image or underlay (DWF, DWFx, PDF, or DGN).
- DWFADJUST variable: Adjust the fade, contrast, and monochrome settings of a DWF or DWFx underlay.
- DGNADJUST variable: Adjust the fade, contrast, and monochrome settings of a DGN underlay.
- PDFADJUST variable: Adjust the fade, contrast, and monochrome settings of a PDF underlay.
Do you want Frames around your attachments?
- DGNFRAME variable: Determines whether DGN underlay frames are visible or plotted in the current drawing.
- DWFFRAME variable: Determines whether DWF or DWFx underlay frames are visible or plotted in the current drawing.
- FRAME variable: Turns the display of frames on and off for all external references, images, and DWF, DWFx, PDF, and DGN underlays.
- PDFFRAME variable: Determines whether the PDF underlay frame is visible.