Lynn Allen, Cadalyst columnist and Autodesk Technical Evangelist, is a prolific writer of tips, AutoCAD presenter, public speaker of all things AutoCAD, and an excellent resource for many seeking better ways to use the AutoCAD program. If she is scheduled to be in your area it is recommended you catch the presentation, you will learn a lot and enjoy it too.
Below are links to many tips LT users can use and find quite useful for every day use. Lynn's many adventures are part of these tip pages:
- The Blog
- Cadalyst Tips and Tricks Videos
- AutoCAD 2012 Tips Booklet
- AutoCAD 2011 Tips Booklet
- AutoFill Table Cells
- AddSelected in 2011-2012
- 60 Tips in 60 Minutes
- Dimension with fewer clicks
- DrawOrder commands revisited
- ZOOM tips
- Creating DGN files
- Viewing Multiple Viewports
- Linking Excel with an AutoCAD Table
- Gaps in Hatch Boundaries
- Clean Up Drawings
- Deleting Layers
- Speedy Mousing
- Selecting Blocks by Attribute Value using the FIND command.
- Get the old MTEXT editor back.
- Selecting Overlapping Objects.
- Turn on background plotting.
- Isolating Layers.
- Polylines and Linetypes.
- IMAGEFRAME settings.
- Making speedy JPEGs (and other types of bitmaps).
- AutoCAD Professional Tips and Techniques