Multi-Functional Grips and Associative Arrays are two of the existing functions users are familiar with that get the largest make-over. LT more that ever is relying on those right-click menus to display more command functions and abilities, a fact that some users may not be fully use.
New functions added include the long awaited Sheet Set Manager that's been in full AutoCAD for a long time, the new Content Explorer that may replace ADCENTER for many users, better integration with the currently-free AutoCADWS service from Autodesk.
The following is a partial list of the new added commands to LT2012 that we found interesting (check out the links):
- ARRAYCLOSE Saves back or discards changes made to an array's source objects and exits the array editing state.
- ARRAYEDIT Edits associative array objects and their source objects.
- ARRAYPATH Evenly distributes object copies along a path or a portion of a path.
- ARRAYPOLAR Evenly distributes object copies in a circular pattern around a center point or axis of rotation.
- ARRAYRECT Distributes object copies into any combination of rows, columns, and levels.
- AUTOCOMPLETE Controls what types of automated keyboard features are available at the Command prompt.
- BLEND Creates a spline in the gap between two selected lines or curves. More HERE.
- CONTENTEXPLORER Finds and inserts content such as drawing files, blocks, and styles.
- DGNBIND Binds DGN underlays to the current drawing.
- DWGCONVERT Converts drawing format version for selected drawing files.
- GROUPEDIT Adds and removes objects from the selected group, or renames a selected group.
- NCOPY Copies objects that are contained in an xref, block, or DGN underlay.
- OVERKILL Removes duplicate or overlapping lines, arcs, and polylines. Also, combines partially overlapping or contiguous ones.
- QUICKPROPERTIES has been around for a few versions now but it's behavior has changed. It is the default double-click pop-up for many objects instead of the full PROPERTIES palette. Read more HERE.
- VIEWBACK command (undocumented) is similar to Zoom Previous, restores the last location you viewed.
- VIEWFORWARD command (undocumented) is like an undo to Viewback.
- SHEET SET MANAGER can organize drawing layouts into named sheet sets. The sheets in a sheet set can be transmitted, published, and archived as a unit. It has a collection of associated with it, including NEWSHEETSET, OPENSHEETSET, SHEETSET, and SHEETSETHIDE.
- ARRAYEDITSTATE Indicates whether the drawing is in the array editing state, which is activated while editing an associative array's source objects.
- ARRAYTYPE Specifies the default array type.
- AUTOCOMPLETEDELAY Controls the amount of time that elapses before automated keyboard features display at the Command prompt.
- AUTOCOMPLETEMODE Controls what types of automated keyboard features are available at the Command prompt.
- CONTENTEXPLORERSTATE Indicates whether the Content Explorer window is open or closed.
- DGNIMPORTMODE Controls the default behavior of the DGNIMPORT command.
- DYNINFOTIPS Turns cycling tips for grip manipulation on and off.
- FRAMESELECTION Controls whether the frame of an image, underlay, or clipped xref can be selected.
- GROUPDISPLAYMODE Controls the display and grips on groups, when group selection is on.
- HPQUICKPREVTIMEOUT Sets the maximum duration that AutoCAD tries to generate a hatch preview when using the HATCH command.
- LAYOUTCREATEVIEWPORT Specifies if a single viewport should be created on each new layout added to a drawing.
- PROPOBJLIMIT Limits the number of objects that can be changed at one time with the Properties and Quick Properties palettes.
- RIBBONICONRESIZE Controls the resizing of images on the ribbon to standard sizes.
- SHORTCUTMENUDURATION Specifies how long (in milliseconds) the right button on a pointing device must be pressed to display a shortcut menu in the drawing area.
- SHOWPAGESETUPFORNEWLAYOUTS Specifies if the Page Setup Manager is displayed when a new layout is created.
- TBSHOWSHORTCUTS Specifies if shortcut keys are displayed in tooltips.
- TOOLTIPSIZE Sets the display size for tooltips.
- TOOLTIPTRANSPARENCY Sets the transparency for tooltips.
- VPCONTROL Controls whether the Viewport label menus are displayed in all viewports.
- WORKSPACELABEL Controls the display of the workspace label in the status bar.
- Sheet Set Manager has many variables associated with it, including SSFOUND, SSLOCATE, SSMAUTOOPEN, SSMPOLLTIME, SSMSHEETSTATUS, and SSMSTATE.