- Open the UCS manager command in the tab you want: use +UCSMAN (note the + in the name) then the tab number, 0 thru 2
- VPORTS command allows you to quickly create multiple predefined viewports in model space OR paper space. Customize? explore -VPORTS command.
- Customize AutoCAD/LT: Always open options command in the tab you want. Use +OPTIONS (note the + in the name) then the tab number, 0 thru 7
- Watch the Recording “@autocad: Get your AutoCAD LT questions and bring them to Facecast, Wed. July 13 at 10 a.m. Pacific Time http://t.co/mZ0XTLw”
- LTisACAD Blog: Did you know...? http://dlvr.it/b1K8k
- EXPORTLAYOUT command creates a new DWG modelspace file from your current paperspace layout: http://ow.ly/1uxr9B
- Customize? +SAVEAS command (note the + in the name) lets you specify the file format; the OTHER option lets you specify the version number.
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