- LAYERSTATESAVE: (hidden command) quickly save a new layer state or replacing an existing layer state with a minimalist interface that only allows a layer state name and description.
- LAYLOCKFADECTL: Controls the amount of fading for objects on locked layers.
- SHOWLAYERUSAGE: Displays icons in the Layer Properties Manager to indicate whether layers are in use.
- VPLAYEROVERRIDES: Indicates if there are any layers with viewport (VP) property overrides for the current layout viewport.
- VPLAYEROVERRIDESMODE: Controls whether layer property overrides for layout viewports are displayed and plotted.
- VPROTATEASSOC: Controls whether the view within a viewport is rotated with the viewport when the viewport is rotated.
- AUTODWFPUBLISH: Controls whether DWF (Design Web Format) files are created automatically when you save or close drawing (DWG) files.
- PUBLISHALLSHEETS: Specifies whether to load the contents of the active document or of all open documents in the Publish dialog box.
- AUTOMATICPUB: Controls whether electronic files (DWF/PDF) are created automatically when you save or close drawing (DWG) files.
- BACKGROUNDPLOT: Controls whether background plotting is turned on or off for plotting and publishing.
- LTSCALE: Sets the global linetype scale factor.
- PSLTSCALE: Controls the linetype scaling of objects displayed in paper space viewports.
- MSLTSCALE: Scales linetypes displayed on the model tab by the scale representation.
- CELTSCALE: Sets the current object linetype scaling factor.
- CENTERMT: Controls how grips stretch multiline text that is centered horizontally.
- DIMTXTDIRECTION: Specifies the reading direction of the dimension text.
- TEXTFILL: Controls the filling of TrueType fonts while plotting.
- HIDETEXT: Specifies whether text objects created by the TEXT or MTEXT command are processed during a HIDE command.
- CANNOSCALE: Sets the name of the current annotation scale for the current space.
- CANNOSCALEVALUE: Returns the value of the current annotation scale.
- ANNOALLVISIBLE: Hides or displays annotative objects that do not support the current annotation scale.
- ANNOAUTOSCALE: Updates annotative objects to support the annotation scale when the annotation scale is changed.
- ANNOTATIVEDWG: Specifies whether or not the drawing will behave as an annotative block when inserted into another drawing.
- DIMPOST: Specifies a text prefix or suffix (or both) to the dimension measurement.
- DIMAPOST: Specifies a text prefix or suffix (or both) to the alternate dimension measurement for all types of dimensions except angular.
- DIMGAP: Sets the distance around the dimension text when the dimension line breaks to accommodate dimension text.
- DIMRND: Rounds all dimensioning distances to the specified value.
- DIMTFILL: Controls the background of dimension text.