Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Twitter Posts Revisited
Below is a summary of topics we covered recently on Twitter. Click on the links at the end of each topic and explore the command or feature in more detail in AutoCAD/LT's HELP.
You can find us at http://twitter.com/LTisACAD
Get Twitter updates via Text Message (SMS) by texting FOLLOW LTISACAD to 40404 in the United States. To stop SMS updates, simply text UNFOLLOW LTISACAD to the same number.
Catch a listing of all our twitter postings HERE: http://ltisacad.blogspot.com/search?q=tweets+this+week
Do you use Pinterest? We pin our favorite AutoCAD/LT news/tips/reviews/Op-Ed webpages to share with all of you at http://pinterest.com/pendeaninc/pins/

- PUBLISH command: http://dld.bz/as8uh
- PSPACE command in a layout, switches from model space in a viewport to paper space http://tinyurl.com/3q9zf4g
- PSETUPIN command imports a user-defined page setup into a new drawing layout http://tinyurl.com/3hzjg8a
- PLAN command displays an orthographic view of the XY plane of a specified user coordinate system http://tinyurl.com/3whlncf
- User's Guide: Modifying Polylines http://dld.bz/as8tm
- PDFLAYERS controls the display of layers in a PDF underlay http://tinyurl.com/3nbwlkd
- PDFCLIP crops the display of a selected PDF underlay to a specified boundary http://tinyurl.com/3jg7dgh
- User's Guide: Adjust Underlay Contrast, Fade, Monochrome, and Colors for the Background http://dld.bz/as8sS
- PDFADJUST command adjust the fade, contrast, and monochrome settings of a PDF underlay http://tinyurl.com/3k9dqqq
You can find us at http://twitter.com/LTisACAD
Get Twitter updates via Text Message (SMS) by texting FOLLOW LTISACAD to 40404 in the United States. To stop SMS updates, simply text UNFOLLOW LTISACAD to the same number.
Catch a listing of all our twitter postings HERE: http://ltisacad.blogspot.com/search?q=tweets+this+week
Do you use Pinterest? We pin our favorite AutoCAD/LT news/tips/reviews/Op-Ed webpages to share with all of you at http://pinterest.com/pendeaninc/pins/

Twitter Posts Revisited
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
LT 2013 Obsolete Commands and Variables
Below is a list of now Obsolete Commands and System Variables Reference in AutoCAD LT 2013:

- GETLINK Gets a link to the current document to paste or e-mail: Removed from product.
- MANAGEUPLOADS Manages uploading of additional documents: Removed from product.
- MESSAGES Displays messages about updates to AutoCAD WS drawings: Removed from product.
- ONLINEDRAWINGS Opens web browser to access all online documents. Removed from product.
- OPENONLINE Opens current drawing in AutoCAD WS: Removed from product.
- SHARE Makes current drawings available to other AutoCAD WS users: Replaced by ONLINESHARE.
- SHAREWITHSEEK Uploads a selected block or the current drawing to the Autodesk Seek website: Removed from product.
- UPLOAD Uploads the current document to Autodesk 360: Removed from product.
- UPLOADFILES Opens file dialog box to upload additional documents: Removed from product.
- WHATSNEW Opens New Features Workshop: Removed from product.
- PROXYWEBSEARCH Specifies how AutoCAD checks for Object Enablers: Removed from product.
- RASTERPREVIEW Controls whether BMP preview images are saved with the drawing: Replaced by THUMBSAVE.

LT 2013 Obsolete Commands and Variables
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Twitter Posts Revisited
Below is a summary of topics we covered recently on Twitter. Click on the links at the end of each topic and explore the command or feature in more detail in AutoCAD/LT's HELP.
You can find us at http://twitter.com/LTisACAD
Get Twitter updates via Text Message (SMS) by texting FOLLOW LTISACAD to 40404 in the United States. To stop SMS updates, simply text UNFOLLOW LTISACAD to the same number.
Catch a listing of all our twitter postings HERE: http://ltisacad.blogspot.com/search?q=tweets+this+week
Do you use Pinterest? We pin our favorite AutoCAD/LT news/tips/reviews/Op-Ed webpages to share with all of you at http://pinterest.com/pendeaninc/pins/ ◦

- Use a Hyperlink to Start a New Drawing: http://dld.bz/as8se
- Use Hyperlinks in Blocks: http://exchange.autodesk.com/autocadlt/enu/online-help/WS1a9193826455f5ffa23ce210c4a30acaf-5809.htm
- Use a Hyperlink to Create an Email Message: http://dld.bz/as8rR
- Use a Hyperlink to Access a File or a Web Page: http://dld.bz/as8rF
- PASTEASHYPERLINK command creates a hyperlink to a file, and associates it with a selected object http://tinyurl.com/3z5al8q
- User's Guide: Specify Page Setup Settings http://tinyurl.com/3z4arxt
- PAGESETUP controls the page layout, plotting device, paper size, and other settings for each new layout http://tinyurl.com/3jt2h3z
- User's Guide: Use Object Snaps http://tinyurl.com/3w8jokh
- OSOPTIONS automatically suppresses object snaps on hatch objects http://tinyurl.com/435uypn
- OSNAPNODELEGACY controls whether the Node object snap can be used to snap to multiline text objects.
- User's Guide: Offset an Object http://dld.bz/as8pK
- OFFSETDIST command sets the default offset distance http://tinyurl.com/3s5qtlb
You can find us at http://twitter.com/LTisACAD
Get Twitter updates via Text Message (SMS) by texting FOLLOW LTISACAD to 40404 in the United States. To stop SMS updates, simply text UNFOLLOW LTISACAD to the same number.
Catch a listing of all our twitter postings HERE: http://ltisacad.blogspot.com/search?q=tweets+this+week
Do you use Pinterest? We pin our favorite AutoCAD/LT news/tips/reviews/Op-Ed webpages to share with all of you at http://pinterest.com/pendeaninc/pins/ ◦

Twitter Posts Revisited
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
LT 2013 Updated Commands and Variables
Below is a list of Updated Commands and System Variables Reference found in AutoCAD LT 2013:

- ACISOUT Exports solid objects to an ACIS file: Saves SAT files as Version 7.0.
- ADCENTER Manages content: Updated to support Section View and Detail View styles.
- ARRAY Creates multiple copies of objects in a pattern: Displays contextual tab during array creation.
- ARRAYEDIT Edits multiple copies of objects in a pattern: Path array automatically calculates the item count based on the item spacing and length of path curve.
- ATTACH Allows the user to insert various file types as attachments or underlays into a DWG file: Now attaches point clouds files (PCG and ISG). X X
- -ATTACH Allows the user to insert various file types as attachments or underlays into a DWG file from the command prompt: Now attaches point clouds files (PCG and ISG).
- CLIP Allows the user to clip viewports, xrefs, DWF, DWFx and DGN underlays, PDF underlays and point clouds: Now creates clipping boundaries for point clouds.
- -HATCHEDIT Modifies an existing hatch object from command line: Now allows multiple-hatch selection.
- LIST Displays property data for selected objects. If the command window is not docked, displays object information in the extended command history. If the command window is docked, information is displayed in the text screen.
- MLEADER Creates a line that connects annotation to a feature: Now supports strikethrough formatting.
- MOVE Displaces objects a specified distance in a specified direction: Now supports section view and detail view types.
- MTEDIT Edits multiline text: Text style drop-down list display changed to show more options.
- MTEXT Creates multiline text: Text style drop-down list display changed to show more options.
- PURGE Removes unused named items, such as block definitions and layers, from the drawing: Now purges Detail View styles.
- RENAME Changes the names of objects: Now supports purging of Detail View styles.
- -RENAME Changes the names of objects from command line: Now supports purging of Detail View styles.
- ROTATE Moves objects about a base point: Now supports rotation of section views and detail views.
- STYLE Creates named styles: Text style drop-down list display changed to show more options.
- TEXTTOFRONT Brings text and dimensions in front of all other objects in the drawing: Now supports leaders.
- XFADECTL Controls the fading intensity percentage for references being edited in-place: Controls the degree of fading when editing a reference in place or when in a view sketching state (editing view-specific geometry).
- XREFNOTIFY Controls the notification for updated or missing xrefs: Now communicates with the Inventor Server to check for updates to Inventor models placed in Model Documentation views.

LT 2013 Updated Commands and Variables
Sunday, August 12, 2012
AutoCAD Tips that work in LT: Part 9
Below are posts from fellow AutoCAD users with tips that are of equal use to LT users. Explore each link and start being more productive tomorrow.
- Lynn Allen: @cadpanacea posted all my past #AutoCAD Tips and Tricks booklets http://bit.ly/yugDRF Thanks!
- Vladimir Michl: New CAD tip: Text formatting codes in MText objects. http://bit.ly/Ma4nR3
- Good LT tip “@VMichl: New CAD tip: Setting scale for documentation views in AutoCAD. http://bit.ly/KsaWNp”
- Jeff Bartels: AutoCAD Tip: For quick access to your last 20 commands/system variables, Rt-Click & select "Recent Input" from menu.
- Joris Van Bossche: 100 tips about #AutoCAD you should know: http://cad-notes.com/2010/06/100-autocad-tips-you-should-know/
- R.K. McSwain: 10 #AutoCAD commands you have either forgotten or never knew. What is your fav? http://bit.ly/KmTYCn
- Vladimir Michl: New CAD tip: Is it an AutoCAD command or variable? http://bit.ly/JClwlZ
- Jimmy Bergmark: Autodesk DWG TrueView 2013 Download and Install Tips: Autodesk’s DWG Viewer freeware DWG… http://goo.gl/fb/62O3M
- bcbenton: AutoCAD Quick Tip – How to Edit Command Aliases http://ow.ly/1jCVZN
- Angela Simoes: Don’t Be Shy — Try Out AutoCAD's New UI! @Cadalyst http://www.cadalyst.com/cad/autocad/don%E2%80%99t-be-shy-%E2%80%94-try-out-autocad039s-new-ui-14462
- Autodesk Care: Did you know you can get help for your Registration and Activation issues via live chat? Click here to find out more http://bit.ly/IX4Nbt
Do you use @pinterest? We pin our favorite AutoCAD/LT news/tips/reviews/Op-Ed webpages to share with all of you at http://pinterest.com/pendeaninc/pins/ ◦

AutoCAD Tips that work in LT: Part 9
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
AutoCAD LT for Mac: Tips
Whether you use LT on an Apple or MS Windows PC, finding fellow users and sharing tips with them s a goal many of us have in common.

- One of the best places to start of course is with HELP that is part of LT: with access available online for LT for Mac (2012 and 2013 can be accessed here), the User's Guide in each is a wealth of knowledge to kick off your search.
- Explore the Autodesk WikiHelp focused on LT (and AutoCAD) for MAC: lots of tips, tricks, customizations, user feedback and more at a website that continues to evolve.
- Preview the MAC interface in video format HERE, it's not the Windows interface but it is all Apple (reason you bought that AC after all).
- Use Gestures to Navigate a Drawing in LT for MAC: watch the VIDEO.
- Access Previously Used Commands
- Create a New or Open a Recent Drawing from the Dock
- Hide All Open Palettes
- Reset All Palettes to Default Size and Location
- Set the Default Save As Format
- Use a Raster Image for a Company Logo in a Drawing
- Accessing the AutoCAD for Mac PDFs on the Go: To learn how to do this, see the article 'Taking the AutoCAD for Mac PDFs on the Go with iBooks' on Beyond the UI by Lee Ambrosius.
- Orbiting with Magic Mouse and Trackpad: You can enable Orbit mode in a drawing while a command is active or not using Magic Mouse or the trackpad. To enter Orbit mode, press and hold Shift while doing one of the following: Swipe on Magic Mouse; or Two-finger swipe on the trackpad or Magic Trackpad.
- Explore the blog MacACAD for very focused AutoCAD for MAC (and LT for MAC) tips, news and reviews.
- Find what others are saying about AutoCAD LT for Mac on Twitter HERE.
- Prefer holding a book in your hand? Mastering AutoCAD for the Mac by George Omura and Richard (Rick) Graham is available at Amazon.com

AutoCAD LT for Mac: Tips
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Random Links of Interest: Off Topic? Not Quite
- Autodesk Labs Scott Book Review: The Start Up of You http://dlvr.it/1YFKLg
- AutoCAD LT Windows Tip: Copy Path http://bit.ly/JjmWl3
- Autodesk Care For specific details, chek out our Online Suport Community: http://autode.sk/wi2EFJ . Prod Suport experts r monitoring it. ^JB
- The Week: The philosopher with a wrench - http://bit.ly/IRf4W0
- Autodesk 360 Cloud New Benefits for Subscription Members: storage increased from 3Gig to 25Gig. Nice! http://360.autodesk.com
- Kate Morrical Store Drawings in Autodesk 360 http://bit.ly/IOBG9w
- AutoCAD WS Great forum tip about printing options in #AutoCADWS: http://aucad.ws/KjmRjV
- The cad geek: I just made my first ever #AutoCAD for Mac blog post: http://ow.ly/1L9k0Z

Random Links of Interest: Off Topic? Not Quite
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
LT2013 New Commands and Variables
Below is a list of New Commands and System Variables Reference found in LT2013:

- ARRAYCLASSIC: Displays the legacy Array dialog box.
- ARRAYASSOCIATIVITY: Sets the default behavior of new arrays to be associative or non-associative.
- CACHEMAXFILES: Sets the maximum number of graphics cache files saved in the local configured temporary folder for the product.
- PLINEREVERSEWIDTHS Controls the appearance of a polyline when it is reversed.
- POINTCLOUDBOUNDARY Turns the display of a point cloud bounding box on and off.
- POINTCLOUDCLIPFRAME Controls whether a point cloud clipping boundary is visible on the screen and when printed.
- SELECTIONPREVIEWLIMIT Limits the number of objects that can display preview highlighting during a window or crossing selection.
- THUMBSAVE Controls whether BMP preview images are saved with the drawing.
- WIPEOUTFRAME Controls the display of frames for wipeout objects.
Plus a host of commands and variables to support the new Autodesk Cloud:
- ONLINECOLNOW: Starts an online session with AutoCAD WS, in which people that you invite can simultaneously view and edit your current drawing,
- ONLINEDOCS: Opens your Autodesk 360 documents list and folders in a browser.
- ONLINEOPTIONS: Opens the Online tab of the Options dialog box.
- ONLINESHARE: Designates who can access the current document from your Autodesk 360.
- ONLINESYNC: Starts or stops syncing your custom settings with your Autodesk 360 account.
- ONLINESYNCSETTINGS: Displays the Choose Which Settings Are Synced dialog box where you can specify selected settings to be synced.
- ONLINETOMOBILE: Sends a notification to your mobile devices, enabling you to find and open the current drawing on your mobile devices quickly.
- ONLINEDOCMODE Indicates whether a copy of a new drawing is saved automatically to your Autodesk 360 account.
- ONLINEDOCUMENTS Stores whether you can open and save drawing files directly to your Autodesk 360 account.
- ONLINESYNCTIME Controls the time interval for synchronizing current customization settings with a local cache, which then stored in your Autodesk 360 account.

LT2013 New Commands and Variables
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