So... here is a running list of what I did today at work, how does it compare to your typical day?
4:58 am - I always wake up two minutes before the alarm. Not sure why. Eat breakfast, read Twitter and Google+feeds and other morning routines.
6:00 am - in the car on the way to work, podcasts blue-toothed through the radio.
6:30 am - logging into the Autodesk Forums to help fellow users. #expertelite and #CADdork all the way. Podcasts in the background.
7:00 am - Check work email, calendar and to do list for today, dive into work, started AutoCAD for the first of three spaceplans due by tomorrow for three different clients. Turn off podcasts.
8:00 am - phone calls start coming in. Quickly help a colleague with an AutoCAD issue: PICKFIRST was turned off. Log into the airline website to pick up my boarding pass for tomorrow's client site visit in Houston. Back to my project.
8:30 am - check email to see if anyone needs anything. Started space plan #2 in AutoCAD, rotated the UCS on the plan so I don't get a kink in my neck; #1 on he back burner at the moment while I digest an interesting issue that cropped up.
10:00 am - spend 30 minutes with a colleague preparing for a client meeting at 11. Check emails before I head out.
10:30 am - drive to the client location for this all hands programming meeting. Podcasts back on.
11 am-1pm - client meetings. Check emails on phone before I head back.
1:00 pm - burritos are made for drivers, don't you agree? Podcasts back on while I drive back to the office.
1:30 pm - check emails, check Autodesk forums, back on space plan #1, solution to problem came to me in the car.
2:00 pm - GoToMeeting conference call with a client in Austin, AutoCAD on my screen walking them through changes from last week's call.
2:30 pm - Back on AutoCAD for that space plan #1, it's laying out quite well. Finished blocking it out. Started Space plan #2.
3:45 pm - Our Autodesk reseller contacts me to confirm we don't have any AutoCAD/LT licenses that will be lost after January 31 when mandatory subscriptions kick in. Phew! Nothing will be lost, all licenses are on there already.
3:55 pm - GGRRRR! AutoCAD locked up. Restarted PC. Hopped on the Autodesk Forums on my phone while Windows 7 boots up fully.
4:10 pm - AutoCAD is back up, space plan #2 blocked out, started space plan #3.
5:30 pm - checked email: RFI from contractor came in, I'll tackle it tomorrow. Time to head home: podcasts back on as I check the Autodesk Forums first #expertelite
6:00 pm - hi honey, I'm home...