- STATUSBAR controls the display of the application and drawing status bars http://dld.bz/as872
- STARTUP controls what displays when the application is started, or when a new drawing is opened http://dld.bz/as873 .
- LTisACAD Blog: AutoCAD Abilities You Can Control in LT http://dlvr.it/1dC6Zr
- STATUSBAR controls the display of the application and drawing status bars http://dld.bz/as872
- SHOWPAGESETUPFORNEWLAYOUTS specifies whether the Page Setup Manager is displayed when a new layout is created http://dld.bz/as87m
- SHOWLAYERUSAGE displays icons in the Layer Properties Manager to indicate whether layers are in use http://dld.bz/as87h
- SETBYLAYERMODE controls which properties are selected for the SETBYLAYER command http://dld.bz/as87g
- Selection Modes control how you create selection sets http://dld.bz/as87d
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