- GRIPMULTIFUNCTIONAL Specifies the access methods for multi-functional grip options http://tinyurl.com/3j2srp3
- GRIDDISPLAY command controls the display limits of the grid http://tinyurl.com/3l55s76
- GFCLR2 command Specifies the second color for a two-color gradient fill.
- GFCLR1 command Specifies the color for a one-color gradient fill or the first color for a two-color gradient fill.
- GFANG command specifies the angle of a gradient fill http://tinyurl.com/3jqt6vp
- LT2012 Tip: GROUPEDIT Adds and removes objects from the selected group, or renames a selected group http://tinyurl.com/6eb88uu
- FULLPLOTPATH Controls whether the full path of the drawing file is sent to the plot spooler http://tinyurl.com/3qkkuv9
- FROM locates a point offset from a reference point within any command to start or end a point FROM another point http://dld.bz/as7WJ
- FRAMESELECTION Controls whether the frame of an image, underlay, or clipped xref can be selected http://tinyurl.com/3pgk3bt
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