- CENTERMT command controls how grips stretch multiline text that is centered horizontally http://tinyurl.com/3et8jzg
- CHAMMODE varible sets the input method for CHAMFER command http://tinyurl.com/3ouluuy
- CHAMFERC Sets the chamfer length when CHAMMODE is set to 1. CHAMFERD Sets the chamfer angle when CHAMMODE is set to 1.
- CHAMFERA Sets the first chamfer distance when CHAMMODE is set to 0. CHAMFERB Sets the second chamfer distance when CHAMMODE is set to 0.
- CALCINPUT Controls where mathematical expressions and global constants are evaluated http://tinyurl.com/3fzwzj2
- LT2012 BLEND command “@rkmcswain: @LTisACAD I did a short animation last week http://cadpanacea.com/node/328”
- BROWSER command launches the default web browser defined in your Windows system's registry http://tinyurl.com/3emjkbz
- LT2012 Tip: BLEND command creates a spline in the gap between two selected lines or curves http://tinyurl.com/3qqfenx
- BLOCKEDITLOCK command disallows opening of the Block Editor and editing of dynamic block definitions http://tinyurl.com/3hf7taq
- BATTMAN command manages the attributes for a selected block definition http://tinyurl.com/3ndm7jk
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