- User's Guide: Modify a Block Attribute Definition http://dld.bz/as7Ew
- ATTREQ command controls whether INSERT uses default attribute settings during insertion of blocks.
- RT Carl Bass: United States Supreme Court rules in Autodesk's favor http://www.howardrice.com/7419
- User's Guide: Define Block Attributes information explained in HELP http://dld.bz/as7DG
- RT Lynn Allen: Don't forget that #Autodesk software is free to students and educators www.autodesk.com/education Check it out!
- RT R.K. McSwain: AutoCAD linetypes Pt 1 & 2 http://cadpanacea.com/node/326 and http://cadpanacea.com/node/327
- ATTMULTI command controls whether multiline attributes can be created http://tinyurl.com/3d8e4o9
- LT2012 Tip: ARRAYTYPE commnd specifies the default array type http://tinyurl.com/3geyogy
- RT @cad_notes: 10 days to Work better with AutoCAD. A list of task to improve your productivity. http://j.mp/naTynt
- APPLYGLOBALOPACITIES command applies transparency settings to all palettes http://tinyurl.com/3z9k8wh
- User's Guide: Create Annotative Blocks and Attributes, the better way to add info to multiple scale viewports: http://ow.ly/1xVrnG
- ANNOTATIVEDWG specifies whether or not the drawing will behave as an annotative block when inserted into another drawing http://tinyurl.com/3pjk4t7
- ADJUST controls the fade, contrast and monochrome settings of the selected underlay (DWF, DWFx, PDF, or DGN), or Images http://tinyurl.com/3c228hv
- ADDSELECTED command creates a new object based on the object type and general properties of a selected object http://tinyurl.com/3vbq69l
- DWF, DWFx, and PDF file passwords are case sensitive but DWG file passwords are not: ensure all match the DWG password and all uppercase.
- Heidi Hewett: Thinking about moving to the latest Autodesk software? Get 0% financing in N. America until 10/15. http://bit.ly/ndMC6n
- RT Shaan Hurley: You asked for it, you got it. Autodesk Design Review for Apple mobile devices now on the Apple App store FREE. http://yfrog.com/hw9eelj
- LT2012 tip: 3DCONFIG command sets hardware acceleration on or off and provides a method to check for driver updates http://tinyurl.com/3l8esxy
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