Friday, February 4, 2011

LT2011 New (and older forgotten) Commands: Part 6 (finally!)

Here is the last of a series of blog entries on commands (click for Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4 and Part5), variables, and other AutoCAD/LT abilities that are either new or just not often used, presented in a list format with a brief description of each. Each command listed in hyperlinked to LT2011's online help file for you to explore and increase your abilities wtihin the program. Note: these commands also apply to any AutoCAD 2011 variant and most may be found in earlier versions.

  • OLEHIDE: Controls the display and plotting of OLE objects.
  • FRAME: Turns the display of frames on and off for all external references, images, and DWF, DWFx, PDF, and DGN underlays.
  • DGNFRAME: Determines whether DGN underlay frames are visible or plotted in the current drawing.
  • PDFFRAME: Determines whether the PDF underlay frame is visible.
  • OLEFRAME: Controls whether a frame is displayed and plotted on all OLE objects in the drawing. IMAGEFRAME: Controls whether image frames are displayed and plotted.
  • XCLIPFRAME: Determines whether xref clipping boundaries are visible or plotted in the current drawing.
  • IMAGEHLT: Controls whether the entire raster image or only the raster image frame is highlighted.
System Options:
  • INSNAME: Sets a default block name for the INSERT command.
  • INSUNITS: Specifies a drawing-units value for automatic scaling of blocks, images, or xrefs inserted or attached to a drawing.
  • OBJECTISOLATIONMODE: Controls whether hidden objects remain hidden between drawing sessions.
  • OPENPARTIAL: Controls whether a drawing file can be worked on before it is fully open. There is a catch with this one: the drawing needs to have been saved last in modelspace and INDEXCTL variable must not be set to Zero.
  • PEDITACCEPT: Suppresses display of the Object Selected Is Not a Polyline prompt in PEDIT.
  • RASTERDPI: Controls paper size and plot scaling when changing from dimensional to dimensionless output devices, or vice versa.
  • RECOVERAUTO: Controls the display of recovery notifications before or after opening a damaged drawing file. Suggestion: try it and seee if it helps.
  • RECOVERYMODE: Controls whether drawing recovery information is recorded after a system failure. Recommendation: turn it on.
  • HPDLGMODE: (turn off if your PC cannot hadle it) Controls the display of the Hatch and Gradient dialog box and the Hatch Edit dialog box.
  • HPQUICKPREVIEW: (turn off if your PC cannot hadle it) Controls whether to display a preview when specifying internal points for a hatch.
  • HPSEPARATE: Controls whether a single hatch object or separate hatch objects are created when operating on several closed boundaries.
  • HPTRANSPARENCY: Sets the default transparency for new hatches and fills.
  • GFCLR1: Specifies the color for a one-color gradient fill or the first color for a two-color gradient fill.
  • GFCLR2: Specifies the second color for a two-color gradient fill.
  • GFCLRSTATE: Specifies whether a gradient fill uses one color or two colors.