Here is the fifth of a series of blog entries on commands (click for
Part3 and
Part4), variables, and other AutoCAD/LT abilities that are either new or just not often used, presented in a list format with a brief description of each. Each command listed in hyperlinked to LT2011's online help file for you to explore and increase your abilities wtihin the program. Note: these commands also apply to any AutoCAD 2011 variant and most may be found in earlier versions.
- LOCKUI: Locks the position and size of toolbars and dockable windows such as the ribbon, DesignCenter, and the Properties palette.
- GRIDSTYLE: Controls the style of grid displayed for 2D model space, Block Editor, 3D parallel projection, 3D perspective projection, and Sheet and Layout tabs.
- GRIDDISPLAY: Controls the display behavior and display limits of the grid.
- GRIPOBJLIMIT: Suppresses the display of grips when the selection set includes more than the specified number of objects.
- QVDRAWINGPIN: Controls the default display state of preview images of drawings.
- QVLAYOUTPIN: Controls the default display state of preview images of model space and layouts in a drawing.
- STARTUP: Controls whether the Create New Drawing dialog box is displayed when a new drawing is started with NEW or QNEW.
- STATUSBAR: Controls the display of the application and drawing status bars.
- UOSNAP: Determines whether object snapping is active for geometry in DWF, DWFx, PDF, and DGN underlays that are attached to the drawing.
- CALCINPUT: Controls whether mathematical expressions and global constants are evaluated in text and numeric entry boxes of windows and dialog boxes.
- DGNOSNAP: Determines whether object snapping is active for geometry in DGN underlays that are attached to the drawing.
- DWFOSNAP: Determines whether object snapping is active for geometry in DWF or DWFx underlays that are attached to the drawing.
- DWGCHECK: Checks drawings for potential problems when opening them.
- DRAWORDERCTL: Controls the default display behavior of overlapping objects when they are created or edited.
- DYNTOOLTIPS: Controls which tooltips are affected by tooltip appearance settings.
- FULLPLOTPATH: Controls whether the full path of the drawing file is sent to the plot spooler.
- APPLYGLOBALOPACITIES: Applies transparency settings to all palettes.
- SELECTIONPREVIEW: Controls the display of selection previewing
- SELECTSIMILARMODE: Controls which properties must match for an object of the same type to be selected with SELECTSIMILAR.
- SELECTIONANNODISPLAY: Controls whether alternate scale representations are temporarily displayed in a dimmed state when an annotative object is selected.
- SELECTIONCYCLING: Turns selection cycling on and off.
- SETBYLAYERMODE: Controls which properties are selected for the SETBYLAYER command.
- ATTIPE: Controls the display of the in-place editor used to create multiline attributes.
- ATTMULTI: Controls whether multiline attributes can be created.
- FILEDIA: Suppresses display of file navigation dialog boxes like OPEN, NEW and -WBLOCK commands.
- INPUTHISTORYMODE: Controls the content and location of the display of a history of user input.
- REMEMBERFOLDERS: Controls the default path displayed in standard file selection dialog boxes: for example, you open a file from Windows Explorer in folder X; next time you start OPEN command, it will start in folder X.
- SAVEFIDELITY: Controls whether the drawing is saved with visual fidelity for LT2007 and lower. Note: turn this feature off if you do not need it all the time, it can be an issue for some users.
- SHORTCUTMENU: Controls whether Default, Edit, and Command mode shortcut menus are available in the drawing area.
- UNDOCTL: Indicates the state of the Auto, Control, and Group options of the UNDO command. One of the setting options is to combine pan and zoom functions as one. Explore it in more detail.
- UNDOMARKS: Stores the number of marks placed in the UNDO control stream by the Mark option.
- ZOOMFACTOR: Controls how much the magnification changes when the mouse wheel moves forward or backward.
- ZOOMWHEEL: Toggles the direction of transparent zoom operations when you scroll the middle mouse wheel.
- ERHIGHLIGHT: (turn off if LT crashes often) Controls whether reference names or reference objects are highlighted when their counterparts are selected in the External References palette or in the drawing window.
- EDGEMODE: Controls how the TRIM and EXTEND commands determine cutting and boundary edges. Useful if you would rather not draw extra lines from other entities just to trim or extend.
- EXPLMODE: Controls whether the EXPLODE command supports nonuniformly scaled (NUS) blocks. For example, your block is scaled 2 in the X direction and 3 in the Y direction, and you need to explode it with that nonuniform scale.
- LIMCHECK: Controls the creation of objects outside the grid limits (set with LIMITS command).
- CLASSICKEYS: Sets shortcuts to pre-Windows AutoCAD shortcuts or Windows shortcuts (that's AutoCAD R12, pre-LT v.1. Yes, that's old).
- CMDDIA: Controls the display of the In-Place Text Editor for the LEADER and QLEADER commands. MLEADERS are not affected by this variable.
- CMDINPUTHISTORYMAX: Sets the maximum number of previous input values that are stored for a prompt in a command.
- CMLEADERSTYLE: Sets the name of the current multileader style.
- ROLLOVERTIPS: Controls the display of rollover tooltips in the application.
- TOOLTIPMERGE: Combines drafting tooltips into a single tooltip.
- TOOLTIPS: Controls the display of tooltips on the ribbon, toolbars, and other user interface elements.
- TRANSPARENCYDISPLAY: Controls whether the object transparency is displayed.
The final Part 6 of the series coming up next will expand into hatch/xrefs/OLEs variable categories.