- -LAYMCH Changes the layer of a selected object to match the layer of a selected object.
- -PURGE Removes unused named objects, such as block definitions and layers, from the drawing using the command line.
- CHANGE Changes the properties of existing objects.
- CHPROP Changes the properties of an object.
- CLASSICLAYER Opens the legacy Layer Properties Manager.
- COPYTOLAYER Copies one or more objects to another layer.
- LAYCUR Changes the layer property of selected objects to the current layer.
- LAYDEL Deletes all objects on a layer and purges the layer.
- LAYERCLOSE Closes the Layer Properties Manager.
- LAYERPMODE Turns on and off the tracking of changes made to layer settings.
- LAYERP Undoes the last change or set of changes made to layer settings.
- LAYERSTATE Saves, restores, and manages sets of layer settings that are called named layer states.
- LAYER Manages layers and layer properties.
- LAYFRZ Freezes the layer of selected objects.
- LAYISO Hides or locks all layers except those of the selected objects.
- LAYMCH nges the layer of a selected object to match the destination layer.
- LAYMCUR Sets the current layer to that of a selected object.
- LAYMRG Opens the Merge Layers dialog box, where you can merge selected layers into a target layer, removing the previous layers from the drawing.
- LAYOFF Turns off the layer of a selected object.
- LAYON Turns on all layers in the drawing.
- LAYTHW Thaws all layers in the drawing.
- LAYULK Unlocks the layer of a selected object.
- LAYUNISO Restores all layers that were hidden or locked with the LAYISO command.
- LAYVPI Freezes selected layers in all layout viewports except the current viewport.
- LAYWALK Displays objects on selected layers and hides objects on all other layers.
- PROPERTIES Controls properties of existing objects, including Layers.
- PURGE Removes unused items, such as block definitions and layers, from the drawing.
- RENAME Changes the names assigned to items such as layers and dimension styles.
- ULAYERS Controls the display of layers in a DWF, DWFx, PDF, or DGN underlay.
System Variables
- CLAYER Sets the current layer.
- LAYEREVALCTL Controls the Unreconciled New Layer filter list in the Layer Properties Manager, which is evaluated for new layers.
- LAYEREVAL Specifies whether the layer list is evaluated for new layers when added to the drawing or to attached xrefs.
- LAYERFILTERALERT Deletes excess layer filters to improve performance.
- LAYERMANAGERSTATE Indicates whether the Layer Properties Manager is open or closed.
- LAYERNOTIFY Specifies when an alert displays when unreconciled new layers are found.
- LAYLOCKFADECTL Controls the amount of fading for objects on locked layers.
- SETBYLAYERMODE Controls which properties are selected for the SETBYLAYER command.
- SHOWLAYERUSAGE Displays icons in the Layer Properties Manager to indicate whether layers are in use.
- VPLAYEROVERRIDESMODE Controls whether layer property overrides for layout viewports are displayed and plotted.
- VPLAYEROVERRIDES Indicates if there are any layers with viewport (VP) property overrides for the current layout viewport.