- DIMRND command rounds all dimensioning distances to the specified value http://tinyurl.com/4xsez74
- DIMPOST commnd specifies a text prefix or suffix (or both) to the dimension measurement http://tinyurl.com/3sg5arz
- DRAWINGRECOVERY command displays a list of drawing files that can be recovered after a program or system failure http://tinyurl.com/425r3gz
- Direct Distance Entry (Command Modifier) locates the next point at a specified distance in the direction of your cursor http://dld.bz/as7Ts
- DIMGAP sets the distance around the dimension text when the dimension line breaks to accommodate dimension text http://tinyurl.com/5w8u7m3
- DIMREGEN command updates the locations of all associative dimensions http://tinyurl.com/3omezce
- DIMTEDIT command moves and rotates dimension text and relocates the dimension line http://tinyurl.com/3lze9td
- DIMEDIT command edits dimension text and extension lines http://tinyurl.com/3cnzpag
- DIMBREAK command breaks or restores dimension and extension lines where they cross other objects http://tinyurl.com/43fo58g
- CPLOTSTYLE command controls the current STB plot style for new objects (not CTB) http://tinyurl.com/6kmkf2m
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