AutoCAD (and LT) share many of the common keyboard functions found in the OS and other apps, plus a few more. The following is a List of the most common found out-of-the-box with no additional effort on your part to create:
ESC key: cancel a running command or close a pop-up.
SHIFT+Click: default behavior is to deselect Objects in a selection.
Ctrl+Tab: cycle between drawings
TAB key: cycle through all nearby running OSNAPS, highlighting them so you know exactly what you’re snapping to in a cluttered area of a drawing.
TAB key: can be used as
TAB key: begin by typing the first few letters of a command or variable, then use this key to cycle through all the commands & variables that begin with those letters.
CTRL+0: Toggles Clean Screen
CTRL+1: Toggles the Properties palette
CTRL+2: Toggles the DesignCenter palette
CTRL+3: Toggles the Tool Palettes Window
CTRL+4: nothing assigned to this one, feel free to use it if you need it.
CTRL+5: nothing assigned to this one, feel free to use it if you need it.
CTRL+6: nothing assigned to this one, feel free to use it if you need it.
CTRL+7: Toggles the Markup Set Manager
CTRL+8: Toggles the QuickCalc calculator palette
CTRL+9: Toggles the command window
CTRL+A: Selects all objects in the drawing
CTRL+SHIFT+A: Toggles Groups Selection on and off
CTRL+B: Toggles Snap mode
CTRL+C: Copies objects to Clipboard
CTRL+SHIFT+C: Copies objects to Clipboard with Base Point
CTRL+D: Toggles Dynamic UCS
CTRL+E: Cycles through isometric planes
CTRL+F: Toggles running object snaps. While in the MTEXT Editor, CTRL+F creates a field.
CTRL+G: Toggles the grid
CTRL+H: Toggles groups selection on and off (similar to CTRL+SHIFT+A)
CTRL+SHIFT+H: toggles the screen/interface tools to have more room to display an open drawing.
CTRL+J; CTRL+M: Repeats the last command (pressing Enter does the same)
CTRL+K: apply a hyperlink to any selected entity
CTRL+L: Toggles Ortho mode
CTRL+N: Creates a new drawing
CTRL+O: Opens an existing drawing
CTRL+P: Prints/plots thecurrent drawing
CTRL+R: Cycles through layout viewports
CTRL+S: Saves the current drawing
CTRL+SHIFT+S: Opens the Save As dialog box
CTRL+T: Toggles TABLET mode
CTRL+V: Pastes data from the Clipboard
CTRL+SHIFT+V: Pastes data from the Clipboard as a Block
CTRL+W: Toggles Selection Cycling. Reference the VARIABLE for information.
CTRL+X: Cuts objects to Clipboard
CTRL+Y: Cancels the preceding Undo action
CTRL+Z: Reverses the last action
CTRL+[; CTRL+\: Cancels the current command (pressing Esc does the same)
CTRL+PAGE UP: Moves to the next layout tab to the left of the current tab
CTRL+PAGE DOWN: Moves to the next layout tab to the right of the current tab
LEGACYCTRLPICK command: Specifies the keys for selection cycling and the behavior for Ctrl+click.
TEXT/MText Editing Shortcuts:
TAB key: jumps to the next defined tab point in Mtext.
Ctrl+Backspace: remove entire words at once, instead of single character like backspace alone does.
Ctrl+Delete, which erases whole words to the right of the cursor.
Alt+Backspace: undo all of your latest Ctrl+Delete or Ctrl+Backspace
Ctrl+Shift+U: changes selected text to uppercase (AutoCAD only)
Ctrl+Shift+L: changes selected text to lowercase (AutoCAD only)
Ctrl+Spacebar: removes font formatting -- bold, underline, etc. (AutoCAD only).
To create or modify a shortcut key: click to read the HELP file posted Procedure.