Saturday, September 8, 2007

Design Center's other features

In addition to the Search features discussed earlier HERE, LT's Design Center Floating or docked Palette (ADCENTER command or CTRL+2) can do much more:
  • You can import content from another DWG file into your current one, such as Linetypes, Layers, Text Styles, Dim Styles, Table Styles, Blocks, Xrefs and Layouts.
  • Using the Open Drawings tab, you can access the above content from ALL the current files you have open at the time, so you don't have to go browsing for the files first. You can also use the History tab the same way, except to access files you recently opened in LT.
  • You can use ADCNAVIGATE command to go directly to a folder before you open ADCENTER: great customizing tip if you have many folders that you access regularly for content.
  • You can drag and drop a DWG file into your current file to INSERT it as a block. If you drag that DWG file with the mouse's right-key, you get the option to start the full INSERT command pop-up, or attach that file as an XREF.
  • You can set a folder to be the default go-to folder everytime you start Design Center: in the Folders tab, navigate to that folder, then right-click and select Set As Home.
  • You can create a ToolPalette of all the dwg files from ADCENTER without doing it manually yourself: in the Folders tab, navigate to that folder, then right-click and select Create Toolpalette Of Blocks.
  • You can drag and drop single Hatch Patterns from .pat files into your file, without using BHATCH command or placing them in any search path.